Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Where we take all that paper.

The Green team has taken on a new job this year.  The Paper Recycling.  I write it with capital letters because it's that big of a job.

For the past several years, Mr. Hill and his team of students have been faithfully collecting the school recyclable paper and taking it to a facility near Mr. Hill's home.  And for that, we are grateful.

This year, the job has fallen to us.  And what a job it is!

Every other week the Green Team collects, sorts, and transports many pounds of paper and plastic to the Drop Off Station at Ellsworth and Platt Roads in Ann Arbor.
Thanks, Mrs. M, for helping us with your awesome trailer!
There, we make sure the paper gets deposited into the proper bin, so it can then be recycled to get the most life out of each sheet.

Here's where the shredded paper goes.
Here's where all the other paper goes.  Happy sorting!

The dumpster where the plastics go.
This is quite an act of sorting (categorizing is basic, yet important, skill in the science curriculum!) and our team is getting better at it every week!

Want a better look at how the paper is sorted?

This year, the Green Team hopes that, with increased awareness, the school community will use less than the 3200 reams it used last year.

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